A Journalist Investigation into the perception and internal conflicts caused by the Climate Change's movements and the right to protest: An autoethnographic study.

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Sara Nunez Nettle
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In this dissertation I aim to analyse the impact of climate change protests in Western Societies and the Internal Conflict arising from public displays or disruptions in the modern world. Display of displeasure, it is understood that all outdoor expressions of protest are intended to demand certain considerations related to social life. In the case of disruption, it has been defined as an alteration or breakdown of the community (Ulrich 2016), created to prevent the “normal function of a system or process” (Cambridge English Dictionary). An internal Conflict has been described, by psychological and sociological studies, as a battle or a “struggle inside oneself when facing a dilemma that involves a moral or ethical decision” (McCallister 2019). The fight between what is considered right and wrong is presented in all of us when choosing one action above the other, and this internal turmoil can escalate to a highly complex issue, causing adverse effects on our quality of life. The necessity of people having the ability to demonstrate their thoughts and to express objection or disapproval towards a political idea, is seen every day in a variety of contexts. One example of this is the case of Extinction Rebellion, an environmental movement that has been publicly voicing their discontent with disruptive actions. The group considers a series of demands described in chapter 1, that include a governmental declaration of ecological emergency and generating environmental strategies to halt biodiversity loss. These demonstrations attempt to influence government policies and public opinion, regarding the negative impact of climate change. My study offers an autoethnographic vision into the conflict that arises within ourselves and reflects on our sense of belonging to a group or culture. Moreover, the internal crises that we suffer as individuals and citizens when defending our rights and common wellbeing.
Nettle, 2020