Augmented Reality: should local business start investing in this disruptive technology?
Augmented Reality: should local business start investing in this disruptive technology?
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Daniele Mendes Perez
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Augmented reality is said to be the new disruptive technology, after the invention of mobile
phones. The technology readiness of the population is being discreetly developed in order to
diminish technology uncertainty levels. But a lot has to be improved, like a good internet
connection, devices up to date to properly function the technology, and so on.
In this research, it will be discussed the several uses augmented reality has in the industries like
retail, education, medical sector, and the improvements for the military. It will also discuss the
involvement of social media, in an attempt to increase users’ awareness about the technology,
and that way increase the acceptance and technology readiness of the population.
Mendes Perez, 2022