Artificial Intelligence as a means of improving satisfaction among consumers in Online Dispute Resolution.

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Marysol Tellez Lorenzo
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How online shopping businesses manage customers‟ conflicts to diminishing customer dissatisfaction is considered a critical strategy. Changes in customer behaviour and the need for immediate responses to their complaints make the implementation of new technologies necessary. The aim of this research is to investigate how online buyers in Dublin city perceive interactions with Artificial Intelligence implemented in customer service for online shopping to resolve conflicts, and if and integration with Alternative Dispute Resolution may result in an effective tool to lower levels of customer dissatisfaction, by using a quantitative method to collect information. In this paper, the author 1) Investigates current consumers preferences, attitudes and perceived benefits from their interactions with AI in online shopping customer service; 2) Investigates online consumers preferred channels to resolve conflict in online shopping customer service; 3) Investigates the attitude of online consumers towards the integration of AI and ADR in online customer service to resolve conflict; 4) Seeks effective ways of improving customer satisfaction by examining consumers considerations to improve their experiences in trying to resolve disputes in online customer service; and 5) Provides guidelines for successful implementation of Alternative Dispute Resolution assisted by Artificial Intelligence for customer service in resolution of consumer‟s conflicts in online shopping.
Lorenzo, 2019