Given the growth of bullying cases in Mexico and the lack of effective instruments to address
the situation, the possibility of implementing restorative justice and restorative practices at
primary and secondary school levels in Mexico was raised.
Using the primary resources was found that restorative processes are being applied
informally at some educational levels but without any legal system that recognizes and
empowers the application of this matter.
Additionally, stakeholders involved in the school sphere are allowed to notice the contextual
barriers that exist for the implementation, highlighting among them the cultural and economic
ones, since Mexico is a country with clearly punitive roots "of imposing punishments"; and
lacking material and human resources to support implementation.
At the same time, the brief study of other countries that have applied restorative justice
permits us to identify some essential elements for its development and appreciate the
importance of applying this subject as philosophy inside and outside the school.
This work constitutes the first step to identifying the current contextual conditions of
restorative justice through the voice of those already involved in such processes.